Rack, Installation, Engineering,

and Occupancy Permitting

to Get Your Warehouse Open for Business


Integrated Pallet Rack Solutions

When you are trying to open your warehouse doors for business, you may start with looking for the lowest bid on pallet racking and other material handling equipment. No matter how great a deal you get on your pallet racks, until you get your Certificate of Occupancy, you cannot use them. That is why the rack or shelving layout design, engineering and installation should all be done with a view towards opening for business as quickly as possible. Pallet racking and other storage systems such as shelving, mezzanines, and ASRS require high-piled, fire sprinkler, and emergency lighting electrical permits. These permits require specialists, including engineers, to determine the correct code requirements to support your use, especially if the material handling equipment is previously owned. Therefore, you need an integrated solutions provider that can work within all of these specialty domains, and get you a great deal on rack. That is the unique advantage of StateSpace Industrial Solutions.

Turn-key Warehouse Solutions


Custom Rack Layout, Design, and Engineering

We can layout a custom warehouse storage solution that maximizes efficiency and throughput of your product. Learn More »


Pallet Rack, Shelving and Mezzanine   Sales and Installation

We have you covered with spec or customized systems, new or used, all available for installation with our professional teams. Learn More »


Shop our online catalog!

Choose from an enormous selection of quality material handling equipment at great prices. Shop Now »


Occupancy Permitting and Code Consulting

With in-house code consultants and Licensed Professional Engineers, we integrate the rack layout design with high-piled permits and other permitting tasks to get your Certificate of Occupancy faster. Learn More »


Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems

Achieve the full efficiency benefits of automation with ASRS. Automated storage systems also allow you to more efficiently allocate labor resources. Learn More »


Other value-added services

Whether you are a warehouse tenant or a property manager/owner, we offer a variety of other services designed to save you money and maximize cash flow.

  • Safely reopen and minimize the SARS-CoV-2 risk to customers and tenants occupying your indoor spaces through our air quality risk assessments and engineering controls. Learn More »
  • We help warehouse owners save operating and capital expense by performing the necessary thermal calculations to justify the removal of heaters to local code authorities. Learn More »
  • Ask us how our innovative rack leasing program can create competitive advantages for property managers and owners looking to minimize vacancies in this challenging climate. Learn More »

About Us

StateSpace Industrial Solutions

We are a team of material handling distributors, engineers, and code experts that provide integrated material handling solutions to warehouse tenants, owners, and property managers. We save our customers money and get their doors open for business on time by ensuring the process of designing, purchasing, and installing pallet racking and other material handling equipment is closely integrated with the critical considerations necessary to obtain the certificate of occupancy.
